🚀50% off before Christmas🎄Stocking Stuffer Sock Aid Kit
No Pain For Wearing Socks
Stop bending, straining, and stretching uncomfortably to take socks and shoeson and off. Arm extensions make it easy to reach without pain and the smoothplastic is more comfortable on bare skin! **NOT for compression socks
For Pregant Woman Or Elderly
This sock-wearing artifact is specially designed for pregnant women and theelderly. lt solves the problem that they are difficult to bend over when wearingsocks, and it is also suitable for some lazy people.
High Quality Material
This sock aid kits is made from strong, durable plastic to withstand pressure &stress.
Easy To Use
Place your sock on the cradle, lower the cradle to the floor and slide your footin.Help you slide your socks on without bending over, twisting or turning. lf youhave trouble bending, limited flexibility, or limited reach, the sock aid can helpyou regain independence.