😇Sorry. it's Your Problem Now . End Of Life Planner
The Sorry. It's Your Problem Now. Because I'm Dead planner tackles serious topics with humor. making future planning more manageable and enjoyable. It covers everything from financial details to end-of-life wishes in a thorough and light-hearted way.
Our thorough and funny End of Life Planner covers everything your family and/or friends will need to know upon your passing or incapacitation.... from Financial Information to Insurance Information to End Of Life Care Wishes and more!
The End of Life Planner keeps all your personal information organized in one place. including details on dependents. beneficiaries. pets. insurance. accounts. passwords. document locations. and additional instructions. ensuring no aspect of your final wishes is overlooked.
- PERSONAL RECORDS: All your personal information including legal name. address. parents' legal names. spouse and children's names. place of employment. etc.
- DATA & DOCUMENTS: Important contacts including name. phone. email and address of Attorney(s). Doctors. Relatives. Friends and Others. Device Login Information for your phone. tablet and more. Online account information for email addresses. social media accounts. etc.. Important Documents locations and what to do with them
- INSURANCE INFORMATION: Life insurance. Car insurance. Health insurance and more!
- MY WILL INFORMATION: Location of My Will. Power of Attorney. My Advanced Directive. Healthcare Power of Attorney. etc.
- FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Bank Accounts. Credit Cards. Investment Accounts. Retirement Accounts. Outstanding Loans. Safe Deposit Boxes. Utilities Information. Current Bills. Other Financial Information
- PROPERTY INFORMATION: My Properties. Vehicle Information. Other Property Owned
- MY END OF LIFE CARE PLAN: My End of Life Wishes: people I want making medical decisions for me. what I DO NOT want at the end of my life. what I DO want at the end of my life. organ and tissue donor preference. etc.. Additional Wishes/Notes
- MY WISHES: My wishes for my: Spouse/Significant Other. Children. Relatives. Friends. Pets. Other Wishes/Requests
- MY LETTERS: 16 pages to write letters to whomever you wish
- MY APOLOGIES: Write any apologies you wish
- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MY FUNERAL: Write any plans or wishes for your funeral
- MY LAST WORDS: Write any last words or additional information
- US Letter Size (8.5x11)
- Coil-bound planner with matte cover
- 143 Pages (front and back)
- Color cover with black-and-white interior